
The Bynars
The Bynars

Album & Singles Cover Art Design

The Bynars was my synthpop band from 2008-2014. Our first album was self-titled and I had a lot of fun designing this artwork for the CD release and digital singles. I’m really interested in vintage photos of women on the phone. If you look around, there are a lot out of them there! I just found it kind of strange and fascinating to see all these photos and advertisements. What does it all mean!? The imagery felt related to our music. There was a longing there, some vintage reverence, and of course, music is all about communication, so ladies looking longingly into the distance on the phone almost makes perfect sense. I’m really pleased with how this art came out and how it all worked together. It was a really fun design project that set up the branding and identity for all our future releases, merchandise, and web presence.


The Bynars • X vs. X


Arsenal Center for the Arts • Motown, Miniskirts, and the Moon Landing